Flock Policies
I don't kill "surplus" rooster chicks. They live happy lives just like the hens until they are sold. The problem roosters I take in are either given to customers looking for a flock protector or sold. They don't join my hen flock.
All birds sold as hens are guaranteed hens. Even if it's a chick hatched elsewhere and the mistake was not mine, if I sold it as a hen, you can return them and get a hen.
My flock is still growing. I only bring in baby chicks or eggs, and I only get them from NPIP certified flocks, to minimize disease importation risk.
Sexed chicks are vaccinated against Mareks and coccidiosis and fed non-medicated feed. On-farm hatches are unvaccinated and fed non-medicated feed.

Program Goals
It has been a joy providing people with reliable and healthy hens. So far, the flock is a good fit on our diversifying farm. I also get to try out new breeds as well as keeping a few that have proved they thrive in our region and have a good temperament I continue to experiment with established breeds and new crosses, always looking for birds that are healthy, suited to my regional weather, don't exhibit meanness, and can lay beautiful eggs. Auto-sexing is a plus.
Available Now
Sexed & vaxxed chicks
After over 600 sexed female chicks sold in March, I finally have some currently available, as well as some still able to be reserved in upcoming hatches.
Hatched, prices increase with age:
3/25 - blue egger
4/1 - brown leghorn, blue egger, cuckoo Marans
Hatching, price during hatch week
4/15 - red sexlink, barred rock, buff orpington, blue egger $9 each
4/22 - barred rock, blue egger, red sexlink - $9
4/29 - blue egger, welsummer, blue lace red wyandotte - $9; black copper Marans - $12
Price increases weekly.
Pre-order now for May/June
On-farm Hatched Chicks
American Bresse - Bresse are a 500 year old
French breed known for the marbled fat that makes them an amazing roasted chicken. Less known is that the hens are good layers of large light brown eggs. Straight run $10 each
Bielefelder - Lovely large auto-sexing breed. Good hearty layers of brown eggs. Surged in popularity in recent years. Large males make for a good dual purpose breed. Female $15 Male $5
Black Copper Marans - the chocolate brown egg layers. I hatch from my darkest layers for a better chance of dark laying offspring. Sometimes called French Black Copper Marans. Straight run $10
Doubled Silver Laced Barnevelders - stunning hens with black and white striped feathers in a pattern that falls between laced and pencilled. Most are semi-bantam size. Limited. Straight run $25
Easter Eggers - shades of green, olive, brown, teal eggs from happy, healthy local hens. Teals are in delevopement - some will lay more green or blue than green blue, with varying depth of shade. Olives available as f1 (definitely olive) or f2+ (50% chance of browns, 50% chance of olives of varying depths) Straight run $10 each
Mille Fleur Cochin Bantams - adorable and beautiful. Small package, big personality. Fluffy feet. Varied splashy feather patterns. Straight run $15
Mosaic - artistically patterned in different balances of black and white, sometimes with brown. Dark skin, beak, and legs. Straight run $15
Welsummer - a heritage line from Appalachia, they lay speckled brown eggs. The breed is sometimes auto-sexing. Limited. Straight run $10 each
Sold out
Layers and Pullets
Pullets - Next available in Late Spring. Currently almost impossible to find. My last batch sold out in under 16 hours when I advertised them. If you cannot raise chicks, order chicks with my grow out option to guarantee yourself some 8 week old pullets. Grow out service is $1 per week per bird.
Layers - Layers sold out in June 2022. All pullets since have sold out before starting to lay. Please consider this when looking for layers - they are incredibly hard to find.
I began raising sheep with my grandfather when I was 10 years old. At 16, I moved to a new farm and my grandfather sent the sheep with me. At 18, I began pursuing rarer sheep, but it would be another 5 years before I acquired my first Navajo-Churros. Some years later, I added some other breeds, and eventually got my Bluefaced Leicesters. Currently I'm shifting the flock to focus on the Navajo-Churro, BFL, and my BFL mules (crossbreds.)
Working in partnership with long-time purveyors of hay, straw, and mulch - delivery and custom work available. Large square, round, small square (two string), by the bale or by the trailer. Also available - unregistered Hereford cattle.

2021 Waiting Lists
Do you think next year is the year to finally get chickens? Are you looking to add to your homestead with a flock of heritage sheep? Will you be in the market for feeder cattle? Now is the time to get on the list for 2021. Plans are in the works to add home-hatched chicks next year, including Bielefelders, blue Eggers and green eggers, heritage broilers, and sex links.